Home of the first overnight camp in Wisconsin USA 2022

The private school and club camps we run are amazing.

Thomson Hockey will bring the Dutch style of hockey to you. We will come to any club or school team and work with you on the topics you select. If you want us to come work with you for 2-3-4 days and work on goal scoring and 3D skills, we will do that.

The amazing aspect of the camp is that control is in the hands of the club or school coach. Simply decide how many days you want us to be there and what you want us to work on with the team, and then leave the rest to us.

After we are finished with the camp, the coach is given a drill book. This book contains drills that we used during the camp as well as additional drills that they can use after we leave. Also, the coaches are welcome to be on the turf with the players so they can learn and see what we are doing. Thomson Hockey wants everyone to learn so the game can grow.

A camp example could look like

  • 5 hours of hockey a day

  • European coaches

  • Goalkeeper coach (To be discussed before purchase)

  • Snacks included

  • Hockey Pinnie included

  • Training drill book for coach included

  • All videos and pictures taken included.

We bring players together with our open camps.

Our open camps really do bring players together; over the years, we have had players from different clubs and schools come to the camps to learn the Dutch way of hockey.

These camps will be at various locations, and the locations will change each year so we can bring hockey to everyone. We have had camps like this in New Jersey, Chicago, and Wisconsin.

At these camps, you will normally find coaches from Europe and beyond. The staff is trained at a really high level, and their main aim is to bring the best hockey experience to you. Oh, did I mention we don’t forget about the goalkeepers? At every open camp, we have a trained goalkeeper coach to work specifically with the goalkeepers. This way, no one gets left out.

An example camp could look like

  • 3 to 5 hours of hockey a day

  • European coaches

  • Goalkeeper coach

  • Snacks included

  • All videos and pictures taken are made available on the website

Overnight camps are really special.

Spend all day playing hockey, making new friends, staying up late, and repeating at one of our overnight camps. In 2022, Thomson Hockey achieved the first ever overnight camp in the state of Wisconsin, and what an amazing week of hockey it was! We managed to attract players from different states and even different countries.

At an overnight camp, players will have the chance to work with amazing players and coaches on a day-to-day basis and take their game to the next level. We do that by designing a really detailed technical plan and spending 5 to 6 hours a day on the field executing that plan. Apart from hockey, the players will get to make friends while spending time with each other in the living accommodations we have and by doing the fun activities that are mapped out for the week.

The locations of the overnight camp are varied, so please keep an eye on the website for dates and locations.

An example camp could look like

  • 5 to 6 hours of hockey a day

  • European coaches

  • Goalkeeper coach

  • Snacks included

  • Hockey Pinnie included

  • All videos and pictures taken made available on the website

  • 3 meals a day

  • Sleeping accommodation

  • Evening activities

want a camp? get in touch.